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  • 1 Invertor monofazat Huawei SUN2000-4KTL-L1, 4KW
  • 10 panouri Jinko Solar JKM425N-54HL4-V 30mm, 425W
  • 1 Controler inteligent DDSU666-H 100A


Acest kit este un sistem fotovoltaic Hibrid WiFi monofazat, compus dintr-un invertor on-grid monofazat Huawei SUN2000-4KTL-L1, WLAN, 4G, 4 kW, Battery Ready, SmartDongle WLAN FE inclus, 10 panouri fotovoltaice Jinko Solar JKM425N-54HL4-V 30mm, 425W, Tehnologie N-Type si contorul inteligent monofazat Huawei DDSU666-H 100A.

Kit fotovoltaic 4kW hibrid monofazat, invertor Huawei, 10 panouri Jinko 425W

  • Invertor On-Grid monofazat Huawei SUN2000-4KTL-L1

    Greutate 12.3 kg
    Dimensiuni 36.5 x 36.5 x 14 cm
    Categorie putere 3-5 KW
    Putere invertor 4.0 kW
    Putere maxima invertor 4.0 kW peak
    Randament maxim invertor  98.40%
    Tip de unda invertor unda sinusoidala pura
     Faza invertor monofazat
    Numar de MPPT invertor 2
    Tensiune de lucru MPPT invertor 90~560V
    Curent de intrare invertor Max.  12.5A
    Tensiune de intrare invertor Max  600V
    Putere nominală de iesire  4000W
    Curent de iesire Max.  6.8A
    Distorsiune armonica totala invertor  ≤ 3 %
    Grad de protectie invertor  IP65


    Panou fotovoltaic Jinko Solar JKM425N-54HL4-V 30mm, 425 w, Tehnologie N-Type

    Tip panou solar  Monocristalin
     Putere (W)  425
     Tensiune maxima (V)  31.70
     Curent maxim (A) 13.41
     Tensiune circuit deschis (V)  38.30
     Curent de scurtcircuit (A)  14.15
     Tensiune maxima sistem (V) 1000/1500 (IEC)
     Lungime (mm)  1722
     Latime (mm)  13134
     Adancime (mm)  30
     Material  sticla/aluminiu
     Numar celule  120 (6×20)
     Eficienta celule  21.20%
     Grad de protectie  IP68
     Temperaturi de lucru  intre -40 pana la +85
     Greutate  22 kg

    Contor inteligent monofazat Huawei DDSU666-H 100A

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