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Huawei SUN2000-115KTL-M2 este un invertor on-grid trifazat care face parte dintr-o serie de produse care utilizeaza topologia de circuit in trei trepte, randamentul sau maxim fiind de pana la 98,8%.


Rezultatele la testul de fotoni sunt A+/A+ atat la iradianta ridicata, cat si la iradianta medie. Cele zece trackere MPPT cu care este prevazut acest invertor sunt adaptabile si flexibile pentru un randament extrem de ridicat la instalatiilor fotovoltaice utilizate. Modulul de protectie la trasnet DC si AC si posibilitatea de racire naturala a sistemului imbunatatesc fiabilitatea produsului. Astfel, acest invertor trifazat are o adaptabilitate buna la mediu si poate fi utilizat atat pentru uz casnic, cat si pentru sisteme mai mari, iar utilizarea sa este una extrem de usoara prin display-ul prevazut cu indicatori LED, adaptor WLAN si APP FusionSolar.

Invertor On-Grid Trifazat, HUAWEI SUN2000-115KTL-M2, 115kW

  • Max. Efficiency  ≥98.6%(400 v) si ≥98.8%(480v)
    European Efficiency  ≥98.4%(400V) si ≥98.6%(480V)
    Max. Input Voltage 1,100 V
    Max. input current per MPPT 30 A
    Max. short-circuit current 40 A
    Full-load MPPT voltage range 540–800 V (400 V) and 625–850 V (480 V)
    Rated input voltage 600 V (400 V) and 720 V (480 V)
    Max. number of inputs 20
    Number of MPP trackers 10
    Rated active power 115 kW
    Max. apparent power 125 kVA
    Rated output voltage 230 V/400 V and 277 V/480 V, 3 W + (N)b + PE
    Rated AC Grid Frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz
    Rated Output Current 166.0 A (400 V) and 138.4 A (480 V)
    Max. Output Current 182.3 A (400 V) and 151.9 A (480 V)
    Adjustable Power Factor 0.8 leading … 0.8 lagging
    Max. Total Harmonic Distortion < 3 %
    Input DC switch Yes
    Anti-Islanding Protection Yes
    Output overcurrent protection Yes
    Input Reverse Connection Protection Yes
    String Failure Detection Yes
    DC Surge Protection Type II
    AC Surge Protection Type II
    Insulation Resistance Detection Yes
    Residual Current Monitoring Yes
      Display and Communication
    Display LED indicator, Bluetooth + APP
    RS485 Yes
    USB Yes
    MBUS Yes
      General Data
    Dimensions (W x H x D)
    (incl. mounting plate)
    1035 * 700 * 365 mm
    Weight (with mounting plate) ≤93 kg
    Operation Temperature Range -25 ~ + 60 °C (-13 °F ~ 140 °F)
    Cooling Smart Air Cooling
    Relative Humidity 0 % RH ~ 100% RH
    Operating altitude 4,000 m
    Input Terminal Amphenol Helios H4
    Output Terminal Crimping module + OT/DT terminal
    Degree of protection

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